The business, property and affairs of the Foundation are managed by the Board of Directors, which meets twice a year.
The Board of Directors is made up of twelve (12) Directors - seven (7) Institutional Directors and five (5) At-large Directors.  Each of the seven Institutional Members of the Foundation nominates for election one member of the Board of Directors who serves as its representative.  The number of At-large Directors shall always be fewer than the number of the Institutional Directors so that the representatives of the Institutional Members shall always constitute a majority of the Board of Directors.
In addition, the Presiding Bishop of the South Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church may be invited by the Board of Directors to be an Advisory Director with vote. All Directors serve without compensation except for reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred in connection with the Board member's responsibilities.

Board of Directors

R. Wayne Horne
  • Chairperson, Wesley Commons
Michael E. "Mike" Bowers
  • Vice-Chairperson, Spartanburg Methodist College
Ted R. Morton, Jr.
  • Secretary, At-Large
D. Smith Patterson
  • Treasurer, Wofford College
Mary Ann S. Crews
  • Columbia College
Robin Dease
  • Claflin University
Joseph E. "Joe" Heyward
  • At-Large
Bishop UMCSC
  • Advisory Member
Art Justice
  • The Manor of the Pee Dee
John Holler
  • Epworth Children's Home
Robert M. "Bob" Vincent
  • President
Board of Directors
As of June 30, 2020


Michael E. Bowers, Wellford, Spartanburg Methodist College
Mary Ann S. Crews, Columbia, Columbia College
Eugene L. Curry, Laurens At-Large
Robin Dease, Hartsville, Claflin University
James C. Hardin, III, Rock Hill, At-Large
Joseph E. Heyward, Florence, At-Large
L. Jonathan Holston, Columbia, Advisory
R. Wayne Horne, Columbia, At-Large
Paul M. Kinnett, Spartanburg, The Oaks
Milton L. McGuirt, Pawleys Island, The Manor
Ted R. Morton, Jr., Greenwood, At-Large
D. Smith Patterson, Laurens, Wofford College
Timothy J. Rogers, Marion, Epworth Children’s Home
Robert M. Vincent, Columbia At-Large
Toni L. White, West Columbia, At-Large
Reginald D. Wilson, Jr., Columbia, The Commons



Chairperson R. Wayne Horne
Vice Chairperson Toni L. White
President Robert M. Vincent
Secretary James C. Hardin, III
Treasurer D. Smith Patterson
Recording Secretary Sandra G. Stillinger*

*Non-Director Corporate Officer